Quảng Bình, formerly Tiên Bình under the reign of Le Trung Hung of the Lê Dynasty, this province was renamed Quảng Bình in 1604) is a province along Vietnam's north-central coast.The province has an area of 8,065.8 square kilometers and population of 857,818 inhabitants (as of 2008)
Quảng Bình, formerly Tiên Bình under the reign of Le Trung Hung of the Lê Dynasty, this province was renamed Quảng Bình in 1604) is a province along Vietnam's north-central coast.The province has an area of 8,065.8 square kilometers and population of 857,818 inhabitants (as of 2008)
Archaeological excavation in this area proved that human living in what is now Quảng Bình province in Stone Age period. Many artifacts such as ceramic vases, stone tools, china was unearthed in Quảng Bình.
In 1926, a French archaeologist, Madeleine Colani, discovered and excavated many artifacts in caves and grottoes in west mountainous areas of Quảng Bình. She concluded that the Hòa Bình culture belonged to this region. Through C14 dating test, the artifacts dated back to 10,509 (plus or minus 950) years ago.
There are two parallel national roads cross the province: The National Road 1A (runs from Lạng Sơn Province to Cà Mau Province along the coastline of the country) and Hồ Chí Minh Highway (runs from North-Western part of Vietnam to Cà Mau along the mountainous part, nearly coinciding Hồ Chí Minh Trail). The Road 12 connects this province with Khammouan Province of Laos. The Hanoi-Saigon Railway crosses Quảng Bình Province in the hill area with Đồng Hới Railway Station as a main station.
Part of the aborted Thakhek - Tan Ap railway would have crossed the province to connect with the North-South Railway at Tan Ap Railway Station. Đồng Hới Airport is located in Đồng Hới city, initially due to be opened at the end of 2007 with scheduled flights to and from Hồ Chí Minh City's Tân Sơn Nhứt International Airport and Hanoi's Noi Bai International Airport upon completion.
Landscapes and attractions:
Quảng Bình has several tourist attraction sites that could be turned into tourism development.
*Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park: This park features a karst region of more than 200,000 km² if Hin Namno region in Laos bordering this park is combined. Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng is a protected area, a national park and was listed in UNESCO's world heritage in 2003. Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng is located in the Bố Trạch and Minh Hóa districts, in north-central Vietnam, about 50 km northwest of Đồng Hới, 42 km east of South China Sea from its borderline point. Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng is situated in a limestone zone of 200,000 hectare in Vietnamese territory and borders another limestone of 200,000 hectare of Hin Namno in Laotian territory. The core zone of this national park covers 85,754 hectares and a buffer zone of 195,400 ha. The park was created to protect one of the world's two largest karst regions with 300 caves and grottoes and also protects the ecosystem of limestone forest of the Annamite Range region in north central coast of Vietnam.
Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National Park is also noted for its cave and grotto systems as it is composed of 300 caves and grottoes with a total length of about 70 km, of which only 20 have been surveyed by Vietnamese and British scientists; 17 of these are in located in the Phong Nha area and three in the Kẻ Bàng area.
Phong Nha holds several world cave records, as it has the longest underground river, as well as the largest caverns and passageways. Following UNESCO listing of this park, the number of visitors to this province changed significantly. Tourists mainly visit Phong Nha Cave, Tien Son Cave and from 2010, Thien Duong Cave. Despite atttracting attention, Son Doong Cave has yet available for visitors due to unavailabiltiy of access road and other relating facilities.
*Da Nhay, Ly Hoa and Nhat Le beaches feature white and fine sands, clean water, and are among one of the most attractive beaches in Vietnam
*Bang Spa: a hotspring area in Lệ Thủy District with resort and health care services. The temperature of the watwer at the jet hole can reach up to 105 degree Celsius.
*Hồ Chí Minh Trail battlefield, where there are many important sites along the trail during Vietnam War.
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